Hi, my dog has black dots under her belly and around her privates and nipples which I can’t seem to get off, I tried washing her and brushing them out and even picking them out but I can’t get them off. She is constantly chewing and itching. Her fur also looks like it’s going black on her belly. We do have a few flees going around but have tried everything to get rid of them but can’t ? What could this be

Updated On December 8th, 2019

Pet's info: Dog | Labradoodle | Female | unspayed | 5 years and 5 months old | 10 lbs

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Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT

Licensed Veterinary Technician

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Place an e-collar (cone) on her to prevent further chewing. Have her physically examined by your veterinarian to diagnose the underlying cause. If she has a skin infection systemic and/or topical antibiotics may be necessary. Continue to treat for fleas with a monthly oral or topical preventative. Do this for at least 3 consecutive months, preferably year round. If you have multiple pets, ALL the pets should be treated. You will need to treat the environment as well. This includes vacuuming everywhere then disposing of the bag or emptying the canister outdoors immediately afterwards. Wash all bedding in the hottest water allowable by fabric then dry in a dryer. Use an area treatment, such as Indorex or Knockout ES, to prevent re-infestation.

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