I noticed today that my 11 year old 50lb mixed breed female dog has a pink growth, in the inner thigh region right where the leg joins the body. The attached picture isn't the best but is the only one she will let me take, I don't think she's in pain she just doesn't like to be grabbed. The growth is roughly the size of half a penny, hairless, smooth, and firm but not solid to the touch. What could it be?

Updated On December 8th, 2019

Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed Medium (23 - 60lb) | Female | spayed | 11 years and 4 months old | 50 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS


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This growth could be benign or malignant. Any suspicious lumps should be examined by the vet. The vet can perform a test called a fine needle aspirate on it. To do this, the vet sticks a small needle into the lump to get a sample of its cells, and examines the cells on a slide under a microscope. It's usually painless to the animal, and relatively quick to perform. Once the cause of the lump is diagnosed, the vet can discuss treatment options if needed. Give Momo's vet a call in the morning to make her an appointment.

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