Budgie slightly puffed up and tail bobbing/trembling a bit! This has been going on for some time now- what does it mean? Is he sick? I looked it up online but he doesn't show any other symptoms :(
Updated On December 9th, 2019
Pet's info: Bird | Parakeet | Male | unneutered
Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT 44
Licensed Veterinary Technician
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Pronounced tail bobbing coupled with a bit of lethargy may indicate respiratory distress or illness. Ideally, Pepper should be physically examined by your veterinarian or an experienced avian vet to diagnose and treat infection or injury. By the time birds begin to show any symptoms, they can be quite ill. In the meantime, keep him warm and as stress free as possible until he sees the doctor. Monitor for additional symptoms such as loose droppings or loss of appetite.
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