My dog is in her first full fledged "heat" and she lost her appetite-- leading to her vomiting and having diarrhea. I gave her small doses of pepto bismol to help with her nausea and baby aspirin to help with her pain. However, after regaining her appetite and eating normally, she still has diarrhea. It doesn't look bloody but it is dark brown. She's not vomiting anymore and she's not very lethargic but she seems slightly less playful. How can I help her get rid of this diarrhea?!
Updated On December 10th, 2019
Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed Small (up to 22lb) | Female | unspayed | 2 years and 9 months old | 10 lbs
Answered By Dr. Strydom, DVM 105
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I think you should try a probiotic made for dogs (no human products). If after a few days she is still having diarrhea you should take her to the vet for a fecal test to check for intestinal parasites (worms). I like Fortiflora or Advita probiotics but you can use any one made for dogs. ( https://www.allivet.com/p-1130-purina-pro-plan-veterinary-diets-fortiflora-dog-supplement-box-of-30.aspx?SearchTerm=fortiflor+Auto ) Do not give more aspirin or Pepto - they can be given intermittently in small amounts but too much can cause ulceration of the stomach and intestines. Dogs are much more sensitive to aspirin and aspirin containing products (like Pepto) than humans. It would be easy to overdose her.
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