On Sunday I gave my dog 100mgs of ibuprofen 3 times about 4 hours apart. I know, I'm am stupid. I took him to the vet yesterday for blood work. I do not have the results yet. It's been 2 days, he seems totally fine. My question is is it possible that nothing has happened? That I dodged a bullet? Or does this always prove to be toxic on some level no matter what?
Updated On December 10th, 2019
Pet's info: Dog | Pug | Male | neutered | 13 years and 1 month old | 18 lbs
Answered By Dr. Strydom, DVM 105
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It is possible that he will be fine. Dogs can take Ibuprofen but it has a very narrow safety margin and lots of side effects which is why vets never use it or recommend it's use. It is very ulcerogenic to the GI tract and toxic to the liver and kidneys. The normal dose would be 2.5 to 4mg per pound so even at the high end of the dosing range that is only 72mg and it should only be given every 12 hours. So he definitely received a pretty significant overdose. I wouldn't ever recommend giving it to a dog for any reason. I can't tell you if he will ever show any effects. All animals, like all people, can have different responses to medications. One thousand people can take the same drug with no issue but the 1,001 person may have a problem. There is no telling how his body will handle it. Wait for the blood results and go from there. ( https://www.petplace.com/article/drug-library/drug-library/library/ibuprofen-motrin-advil-etc-for-dogs/ ) In the future, be sure to contact us if you are wondering if it's OK to give any medication to your dog.
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