I just got a new cat and he’s 8-9 years old with lung issues, his purring/breathing,growling sounds all the same. His last foster said that it’s normal and that he’s just stressed. I agree but also how do you know if he’s not doing okay? Is there any symptoms or signs I should know of?

Updated On December 10th, 2019

Pet's info: Cat | Domestic Mediumhair | Male | neutered | 9 years old

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Answered By Dr. Elizabeth


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I recommend to check with the rescue organization if Milo has been checked by the veterinarian. Generally a physical exam and radiographs can give you an idea of lung health. I don't think stress will change his sounds. Things to look for include a worsening of the sounds, open mouth breathing, increased respiratory rate, change in respiratory character, shortness of breath or discharge from the eyes or nose. I hope this helps.

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