So we rescued luci more than 2 weeks ago. He fell from him pot in our bird cage and was cold so we brought him in and started to care for him. He looks very healthy. Is eating properly. He hasnt grown feathers on his stomach yet even though he is almost fully grown and he always sits infront of the heater due to cold weather.But yesturday he started acting weird. He keeps pressing his stomach against the floor and sits like that for hours. Only moves when he is hungry. So what is wrong with him?
Updated On December 11th, 2019
Pet's info: Bird | Parakeet | Male | unneutered
Answered By Todd Cecil 239
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Thanks for reaching out about Luci and including a photo. By the picture it appears as if the crop is over-extended and possibly gas or fluid filled. This can be bacterial, yeast, other fungi, an obstruction or other concern. If too cold, they have difficulty digesting food. Food needs to include vegetables (wide variety), plant proteins and should not be seed only. If syringe feeding, ensure that food is the proper temperature, as too hot can scald crop and too cold decreases motility. Provide 24/7 heat support in the 80-85 F range. A veterinary visit can provide a good diagnostic/treatment plan. Good luck.
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