Hi! I rescued my bearded dragon about a year ago and they weren’t sure how old he was. They said about 6-8 years old. About 2 months ago he was fine, running around, and eating a ton. Now he just sleeps all the time. He isn’t eating as much and when I pick him up he opens his eyes and takes a couple steps but not as much as he used to. Is this because he is getting old, or could it be brumation (hibernation)?

Updated On December 11th, 2019

Pet's info: Reptile | Bearded Dragon | Male

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Answered By Dr. Strydom, DVM


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It could be brumation but it could also be symptoms of metabolic bone disease. I suggest you have him examined by a reptile vet to get a diagnosis. Also, you need to check all your husbandry and be sure you are doing everything correct from diet, vitamin supplements, lighting, temperature, etc. Almost every single medical issue we see with reptiles is traced back to improper husbandry. ( http://www.reptilesmagazine.com/Care-Sheets/Lizards/Bearded-Dragon/ )

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