My dog (50 pounds) just ate 1 MAYBE 2 Halls Menthol cough drops. There is no xylitol listed as an ingredient. I am wondering if I should be concerned this will be toxic for her or if I should be okay to just monitor.

Updated On December 12th, 2019

Pet's info: Dog | German Shorthaired Pointer | Female | unspayed | 50 lbs

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Answered By Jessica Keay, DVM


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I am sorry to hear about your concern for Missy! With these ingredients we would not expect any toxic effects but we could have some mild gastrointestinal upset if she has a sensitive stomach. The ingredients that sometimes are present in cough drops and can cause more serious side effects include benzocaine and xylitol, but from your label you attached these cough drops don't appear to contain these ingredients. I would watch for vomiting and if it occurs, contact your veterinarian.

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