I adopted my ball python (~3 yrs old) on 11/01/19, and she ate a frozen-thawed mouse on 11/04/19. But, despite offering her another mouse every 1-2weeks, she has refused to eat again. She is currently shedding, though I think she is almost done. I am concerned as I do not know her normal behavior- I'm not sure is she is refusing food due to shed, winter fasting, or if she wants live. Do you have any suggestions for me?

Updated On December 12th, 2019

Pet's info: Reptile | Python | Female | 3 years and 2 months old

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Answered By Dr. Strydom, DVM


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I suggest you just not feed her for a few weeks and then try again. Her lack of appetite may be due to shedding. Reptiles can not eat for months and still be fine. It is not ideal for them to go quite that long though. So, wait a few weeks, try again with frozen-thawed and see what happens. You are welcome to post again if she doesn't eat and we can see if we can help you better. Be sure he cage temperature is correct. If they are too cold they often won't eat. Basking spot temperature should be 88 to 96 degrees Fahrenheit and an ambient temperature of 78 to 80 degrees. The ambient temperature should not fall below 75 degrees.

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