Brandi is 3 yrs old a PitBull mix. She had exploratory surgery. She started urinating on bed. She does not know. UTI or incontinent. How do I know She is on Amoxicillin 500mg twice a day for three weeks

Updated On December 14th, 2019

Pet's info: Dog | Pit Bull Terrier | Female | 60 lbs

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Answered By Destini R. Holloway, DVM


IF she is urinating and not knowing she is going, then she likely has incontinence. Pets will also often have pooling of urine if they are incontinent, which is typically on the bed or anywhere that they lay.
Fortunately, there is medication that your vet can prescribe for Brandi to help with her incontinence once the trial of antibiotics are complete. Its best to place a doggy diaper on her until then.
I hope that Brandi does well moving forward. Best wishes and take care.

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