Hi, my 14 year old bull terrier has a new lump. She has lots of lumps and bumps and my vet told me it’s her age and not to worry but this one is different from the rest, I checked her over because my other dog has been showing her a lot more attention and wanting to be with her all the time and licking that area , could you give me any advise please
Updated On December 14th, 2019
Pet's info: Dog | Bull Terrier | Female | spayed | 14 years and 4 months old
Answered By Dr. Elizabeth 118
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I recommend to have Bettie examined by the veterinarian. Skin masses can be many things but red raised masses are especially concerning for a skin cancer called a Mast Cell tumor. This mass is also ulcerated which is worrisome. Your veterinarian will need to collect a sample of cell to examine under the microscope to determine what this is and if further treatment is needed. Have this checked out soon.
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