I picked up this cat on the side of the road and he looked dead when I first got him hes really skiny hes blind in both eyes and he looks to had been hit by a car at one point. He dosent clean himself and he sleeps 24/7. He has trouble walking and his feet are swollen sometimes he bites them raw. His butt leaks alot. He cant meow. He will sleep for hours then get up and eat and then puke it all up and repeat. I have no money to take him to the vet. I was wondering do i need to put him down.

Updated On December 15th, 2019

Pet's info: Cat | Mixed Breed | Male

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Answered By Ana M, DVM


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Thank you for submitting your question regarding Manson. Yes, I recommend relinquishing him a rescue group or seeing a veterinarian to determine his quality of life. Euthanasia may be recommended as it sounds like he has multiple problems. I hope this information helps.

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