My dog is 9 yes old n is having heart issues.her last tooth lower jaw extreme last is loose.having dental cleaning done under anesthesia can lead to what risks?how to completely remove those risks?what r do's n don'ts to b followed before anesthesia n during anesthesia?what kind of anesthesia to b given to her?she is my life,my everything how to Save her from this huge risk?she seems perfectly fine n I don't want to loose her.plz help.
Updated On December 15th, 2019
Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed | Female | spayed
Answered By Sara Farmer, DVM 107
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Ideally Chhutki would have an echocardiogram performed first to determine the type of heart disease present and to get a better feel for the risk under anesthesia, but I'm not sure if that's an option near you. The risk would be for congestive heart failure to develop, low blood pressure, or even for fatal complications under anesthesia. Heart safe medications should be used - here that would mean avoiding drugs like acepromazine and dexmedetomidine but again I'm not sure what drugs are standard near you. Blood pressure and vital signs should be monitored closely during anesthesia. You may want to ask your vet if referral to a specialist might be an option.
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