My 6 month old German Shepherd has been experiencing digestive issues with loose stool. He was put on chicken/rice diet and medication. Then he was diagnosed with round worm and took 3 days of that and then another medication for the bacteria in his gut. We transitioned him back to his normal food. His stool appeared better for a couple of bowel movements, but over the last two days it has worsened. His stool is now diarrhea consistency and a yellow-ish color. What should I do next?

Updated On December 17th, 2019

Pet's info: Dog | German Shepherd | Male | unneutered | 5 months and 19 days old | 42 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Elizabeth


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Radar needs to be examined by the veterinarian again. When pets don't respond to treatment as expected, it can mean that the real cause of illness has not been identified. Likely Radar needs other diagnostics which could include an ultrasound, a fecal culture, giardia testing, a different antibiotic or a diet trial with a hydrolyzed protein diet trial. I hope they figure out the problem quickly.

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