Help! My 10 year old chihuahua has gingivitis and I cannot afford a veterinarian at the moment. I have done some research about home remedies such as Aloe Vera with hydrogen peroxide, but I don’t want to take any risks of poisoning my chihuahua. I need a recommendation for what brand of dental care I should use to make the gingivitis less severe than it already is. I am aware that it is irreversible and teeth extraction is a requirement if I want my dog to be free of pain and recover quicker.

Updated On December 17th, 2019

Pet's info: Dog | Chihuahua | Female | spayed | 13 lbs

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Answered By Linda G, MS, DVM


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Hello. Lily does need a good teeth cleaning, but I do not see anything alarming in her mouth. She may need a few teeth removed, but more likely a professional cleaning is all that is needed. I would go to this website as it lists all products recommended by veterinary oral care specialists. You can see what foods, chews, toothpastes, & water additives are recommended to prevent further damage to Lily's teeth, & to keep them healthy after you can finally afford to have a good, professional cleaning done. Thanks for using PetCoach.

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