Hi, my dogs has been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease which is called IMHA. He has been prescribed medication which will rise his blood cells levels. The doctor couldn’t tell which type of IMHA he has. My questions are: How long will it take before we will see any visible change on his gums? They are white as we speak. How long will it take before his levels will rise up to 30-40%? When we went to the vet, his blood cell level was 12-13%.
Updated On December 17th, 2019
Pet's info: Dog | Maltipoo | Male | 4 years and 11 months old | 13 lbs
Answered By Jessica Desrosiers 40
Veterinary Technician
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Recovery generally depends on how well Melvin responds to his treatment, and if the underlying cause can also be found and treated (in this case, immune system issues that attack the body's own cells). In most cases, it takes about four days for new blood cells to be produced, but can take longer if there was a lot missing, poor nutrition, or a health issue affecting it for a long time, so it may take several weeks depending on response. Making sure to check in regularly with your vet to test blood and follow any food or treatment recommendations can also help.
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