My dog had a seizure which lasted 5 minutes today for first time. He was frothing from mouth and did potty during the seizure, he is one year old very healthy and active Labrador. What could have caused this ? He had bad cold and upper respiratory congestion a month ago during which he vomited for 2 days and had serious convulsions as vet gave him Benadryl on empty stomach for 24 hrs to stop coughing

Updated On December 18th, 2019

Pet's info: Dog | Golden Labrador | Male | unneutered | 11 months and 29 days old | 66 lbs

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Answered By Maria DVM


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There could be many causes for seizures in a young healthy dog. He could have gotten into a toxin, he could have epilepsy or something else. I would recommend a veterinarian tomorrow to have blood work and a physical examination performed. I would also consider a neurologist to follow up so they can help with a diagnosis. If he does have a seizure of that duration he should be taken to a veterinarian since seizures can have serious effects on a patient. Thank you for using PetCoach.

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