Hi, got new puppy 2 weeks ago. Since we got him has black ball of gunk near his eyes both side. Not sure if this is normal lacrimal fluid build up or infection (pic of gunk near eye and one cotton once removed). Eyes are not red (pic of eyeball and lids post cleaning so no gunk in th ius pic). We have cleaned it twice. Red Poodle breed

Updated On December 20th, 2019

Pet's info: Dog | Miniature Poodle | Male | unneutered | 2 months and 12 days old | 4 lbs

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Answered By Destini R. Holloway, DVM


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This certainly is a good amount of gunk build-up. It seems to be excessive tearing if there is no yellow discharge seen at any point. I would recommend having him groomed and the hair clipped away around the eyes so that the build up does not accumulate in the hair. Also cleaning the eyes daily with a warm clean cloth can help prevent build up and irritation. Poodles are notorious for excessive tear production so this is very common. There is no treatment for this unless the eyes look infected at any point (redness, yellow/green discharge). I hope that things go well for Tomi moving forward. Best wishes and take care.

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