My dog is having heart issues.can she b given sedatives for dental cleaning n extraction?can sedation b harmful to her?which sedatives would be safe for her?plz tell names of those sedative drugs.she is 9 yes old.

Updated On December 21st, 2019

Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed | Female | spayed

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Answered By Destini R. Holloway, DVM


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Oral sedatives are generally not safe for pets with heart conditions. However, there are heart friendly pre-anesthetic injectable drugs that the vet can give such as Midazolam and Butorphanol. Also keep in mind that most pets with a heart condition that are also symptomatic (coughing, exercise intolerance) should be evaluated by a cardiologist and cleared for surgical procedures like dentals to ensure they are good candidates and can handle the anesthesia. The main concern here is the anesthesia and not the sedative used beforehand. On the other hand, if she is not symptomatic (no coughing, exercise intolerance), and she currently is not on heart medications, then she is likely a good surgical candidate b/c her risk of having complications with anesthesia are generally low. I hope that this helps guide you towards the proper care for Chhutki and this dental procedure. Best wishes and take care. : )

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