My 9 month old kittens was getting punished by my dad for peeing on the floor. He rubs his nose in it but it sounded like he was, gurgling almost. Is he going to be okay?

Updated On December 22nd, 2019

Pet's info: Cat | Mixed Breed | Male

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Answered By Ana M, DVM


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Thank you for submitting your question regarding Indigo. First of all, rubbing his nose in the urine will not deter inappropriate urination. In fact, it will make him more likely to urinate outside of the box. It will cause stress which will make him less likely to use the box. It will make him fearful of your father and make him more prone to aggressive behavior. This is an antiquated technique that is not recommended. Secondly, the gurgling is a worrisome sign. It can indicate an injury to his lungs. I recommend that he sees his veterinarian to ensure that he will be ok. I hope this information helps!

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