I have a male dog of 15 months old, mixed breed. He got rashes at ass, legs. He licks them. What should i feed him.

Updated On December 22nd, 2019

Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed | Male | 1 year and 3 months old | 36 lbs

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Answered By David Elbeze, DVM, MRCVS


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This is not automatically related to food. this can be caused by various reasons such as fleas, mites ,fungal infection, bacterial infection and allergies. the first 4 needs to be ruled out before we start treating for allergies. in order to do that first de-flea him with a high quality flea treatment such as advantage spot on, if it doesn't help - take him to the vet in order to check for/treat the other possibilities. If everything is ruled out, then an allergy treatment can be started. Usually an hypoallergenic food is a good way to start together with anti histamines. if it doesn't help - the best solution is a medication called Apoquel which treats allergies with great success and without side effects.

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