My peached faces bird flips her food bowel. This wastes all the food in the bowel and I don’t know why she does this or how I can stop this behavior. Also, sometimes I find her sitting on the floor of the cage and I’m not sure why.

Updated On December 25th, 2019

Pet's info: Bird | Parrot | Female | unspayed | 50 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Strydom, DVM


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You can secure the food dish to the cage so she can't tip it over. Shouldn't be hard to do. Sometimes they will sit at the bottom of the cage and that would be normal. If it becomes excessive she could be sick, in which case, she needs to see a vet. I suggest you put more toys and things in the cage for her to do and play with. She sounds bored. Also, an all seed diet is not recommended for any bird. I suggest you try to switch her over to Lafeber's Nutriberries or AviCakes. There is a lot of good information on their website. ( )

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