How can you tell if a Chiweenie has an infection caused by bad teeth? Her breath stinks all the time an on one side of her top it's kinda greenish yellowish with a loose tooth and on the other side it's more yellowish than anything with a loose tooth as well..... I absolutely do not have the money to take her to a local vet an I feel so bad cause I know mouth pain is the absolute worse..... Thank you so much.......
Updated On December 26th, 2019
Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed | Female | spayed | 6 years and 4 months old | 12 lbs
Answered By Destini R. Holloway, DVM 87
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These are all signs of a pretty severe dental disease and infection. Pus in the mouth and foul odor are usually the tell-tale signs. I would suggest getting financial assistance b/c this can be a huge undertaking to get a pets teeth cleaned and diseased teeth extracted, but this is the only way to correct it once the teeth are this far gone. Here are some financial resources I am hopeful can help here--> i would first start with carecredit listed at the very bottom.
Red Rover: https://redrover.org/find-financial-assistance-veterinary-care
Best friends: http://bestfriends.org/resources/financial-aid-pets
AVMA: https://www.avma.org/public/YourVet/Pages/Financial-assistance-for-veterinary-care-costs.aspx
HSUS: http://www.humanesociety.org/animals/resources/tips/trouble_affording_veterinary_care.html
PAWS: https://www.paws.org/cats-and-dogs/other-services/help-with-veterinary-bills/
Your dogs friend: http://yourdogsfriend.org/we-recommend/need-help-paying-vet-bills/
AFRP: https://www.animalfriendsrescue.org/financialassistance.html
Speaking for Spot: http://speakingforspot.com/?p=Financial%20Assistance%20for%20Veterinary%20Care
3 options for financing include www.carecredit.com, www.scratchpay.com and www.vetbilling.com. The first two companies have low interest APR rates (starting at 5%) and allow you to pay for a vet bill over 6-24 months. The last company offer a billing option for veterinary clients through automatic bank account drafting on a predetermined date at the time of service. Care Credit checks your credit but Scratch Pay does not, making it a good choice for owners who may have been declined for Care Credit in the past.
I wish you the very best in getting Dixie's dental disease resolved through a proper dental prophylaxis and removal of all diseased teeth. She will feel so much better after her procedure and also she will be healthier for it. Best wishes moving forward. Take care. : )
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