My dog was bleeding last night from her mouth after being knicked by a shaver, it stopped shortly after but began again after chewing on some toy, and then stopped quicker then the previous bleed. This morning she seems really tired mind you we just returned from a 5 hour car ride the day of the bleeding. She also had diarrhea this morning but she has a sensitive stomach. Is she just fighting a light infection? She seems her playful self when I brought her outside but isn't interested in food.
Updated On December 28th, 2019
Pet's info: Dog | Maltipoo | Female | 6 lbs
Answered By Ana M, DVM 217
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Thank you for submitting your question regarding Macey. I recommend that she sees a veterinarian today if possible. It is best to have her mouth examined and determine if she needs any medications to help her feel better and heal. The diarrhea could require treatment as well. If it resolves, she will feel better. She will become dehydrated if she continues to refuse food. She is such a small dog, this can become serious quickly. I hope this information helps!
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