Good morning, I have a 2 year old terrier mix who was hit by a car on the 24th. We rushed him to the vet right away and thankfully he’s okay. He has a small fracture on a toe and a pulmonary contusion. He was sent home with a pain med and an anti-inflammatory, which I’ve been giving every 12 hours with food. He’s been having about 3-5 episodes of brown, non-bloody diarrhea since the 26th. I wanted to ask if this was normal with the meds or if I should take him back to the vet. Thank you.

Updated On December 28th, 2019

Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed Medium (23 - 60lb) | Male | neutered | 49 lbs

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Answered By Destini R. Holloway, DVM


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This is likely a side effect of the medication, especially the anti-inflammatory one. I would stop the medication and inform your vet of this reaction. The vet will likely want to give something to protect the stomach and prevent an ulcer from forming. The vet also may choose another type of medication altogether if treatment is still needed for Benji. In the meantime, I would suggest giving Benji a probiotic (Culturelle over the counter) to help support the Gi flora. I would also suggest 1-2 tsp of canned pumpkin (not the pie filling) in his food daily to help solidify the stools somewhat until you can get him seen by your vet. I hope that Benji's stools normalize soon! Best of luck and take care. : )

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