I want to start cooking meals for my dogs but I’m having trouble finding anything breed specific as far as recipes and do’s and dont’s I have a 5 month old Shetltie who is about 13 lbs and a 3 year old red tick coonhound mix who is approx 65 lbs I just want to know if I can feed them virtually the same just with different portions? and what to feet them in general? can I just find basic meal recipes online and pick the most all around nutritious one? any help would be amazing.

Updated On December 28th, 2019

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Answered By Mara Howard, DVM


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Thanks for using petcoach! I think it is great that you want to cook for your dogs. I would recommend reaching out to a veterinary nutritionist (such as the University of Tennessee's veterinary nutrition program) or online resource (such as balanceit.com) to help you determine the appropriate recipes and any supplements your dogs may need. As you are dogs of differing ages, they do have different metabolic demands that may necessitate two separate diets for the time being. Good luck!

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