My 2 adult dogs got into a very bad fight about 5 days ago. It took a lot of force to seperate them. My male still looks swollen in the muzzle so i opened his mouth and I just realized that the male has had both of his top canine teeth ripped out. They are not in the socket on either side. They seem to be attached to a little bit of gum tissue and have rotated into a horizontal position. Will they just fall out now themselves? Hes been eating soft dog food with no problems.
Updated On December 28th, 2019
Pet's info: Dog | American Pit Bull Terrier | Male | neutered | 98 lbs
Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT 44
Licensed Veterinary Technician
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They may fall out on their own, however, they should be removed by your veterinarian to prevent further pain. Ideally, dental x-rays should be done to confirm no remnants of the roots remain. This could lead to infection. Additionally, he is likely very painful and should get some form of prescription pain medication. If your veterinarian is unavailable, consider a visit to the nearest veterinary ER. Antibiotics may also be indicated.
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