Hi i am the owner of shadow the German Shepard she is 6 months old and she does not want to follow commands that I give and it looks like she hasn’t grown that much I know she’s a felmale and that German Shepard felmales don’t grow that big but shouldn’t she still be growing. How can I prevent car sickness she feels sick as soon as we leave our house.

Updated On December 28th, 2019

Pet's info: Dog | German Shepherd | Female | unspayed | 6 months and 22 days old

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Answered By Stacey Anstaett, DVM


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What a sweet face! She looks like she's an appropriate size for her age, but yes she should still be growing. Their growth rate slows significantly as they get to be 5 or 6 months old but she is still growing. As for the car sickness, there is a very effective medication called Cerenia that you can get from your veterinarian that will prevent vomiting from car sickness. You can TRY dramamine, (available over the counter) though it is not labeled for dogs it can be used safely, though it will not be as effective as Cerenia. See info on dramamine and dogs here: https://www.veterinaryplace.com/dog-medicine/dramamine-for-dogs/
for the not following commands, I suspect she is just a puppy and is still learning. Sign her up for some puppy classes or ask your vet for a referral for a good trainer to help you.
thanks for asking PetCoach!

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