I recently got a puppy who was born on the 2nd of this month and was given to me on the 27 I gave him cow milk with water until I got ahold of canine milk replacer which was only one day he pooped once and after that it seems he pooped less and very little should I be worried?
Updated On December 29th, 2019
Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed | Male | unneutered | 27 days old | 10 lbs
Answered By Lotus Altholtz 215
Veterinarian, Board-Certified Lab Animal Medicine Specialist
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As Luscious is not yet 4 weeks old and puppies are generally still nursing their mothers until 8 weeks of age...he will ideally need to be fed puppy milk replacer form a bottle approximately every 2 hours (I know! Caring for young puppies is very labor intensive) and wiping his genitalia (including perianal area) with hypoallergenic baby wipes several times a day to stimulate pooping and peeing similar to how the mother dog licks their genitalia to stimulate bowel movements and to keep them clean. If after feeding more frequently and wiping his perianal area more frequently, he isn’t pooping more frequently or seems less active/cold, definitely bring him in to see your vet asap! Good luck and congratulations!
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