My turtle is stretching its Kneck out and opening its mouth I found on Internet that these are symptoms of Respiratory infections , I have vet at my town but they don’t have good knowledge about turtles they say , so I am giving it amoxicillin by mixing it water and force feeding it but it’s still there it’s 4th day please I request you to suggest me some antibiotics for treatment of turtle

Updated On January 1st, 2020

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Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT

Licensed Veterinary Technician

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If there is no improvement, you may be under dosing the turtle or the infection is not susceptible to amoxicillin. You will likely need to have the turtle seen by a veterinarian. Infection can be confirmed and an approved antibiotic and dose can be administered or recommended. Legally, we are prohibited from doing either in the absence of a physical exam. In the meantime, increase water temperature and ambient temperature by a few degrees. Make sure the turtle continues to eat. Use caution when force feeding as you can inadvertently introduce fluids into the lungs which would complicate any underlying condition.

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