on new years i was at a house and i pet their pup (who they later told me had parvo but was in treatment) the dog had licked my hand and jumped on me-I was told that the dog was okay and wouldnt be contagious to my dog. My dog is 9 and has kept up with vaccines but should i take him to the vet since i hugged my dog and pet him (i had washed my hands but hadnt changed clothes) ie- is my dog in danger of parvo and should i take him tomorrow

Updated On January 1st, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | Dachshund | Male | neutered | 9 years and 8 months old | 15 lbs

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Answered By Linda G, MS, DVM


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Hello. Parvo is spread by the fecal oral route, which means a dog would actually need to get contaminated feces into his mouth to get sick. Most dogs contract the disease by picking up something that had feces on it. Plus, this is a disease of puppies & young adult dogs. I would not worry about Harley getting sick at all. Thanks for using PetCoach.

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