My baby Kiki is a 22 year old feline. Two days ago she appeared to be unstable couldn't walk straight look like she was scared to death my husband and I finally realized that we think that she's blind other than that she's happy healthy eats constantly and uses the kitty litter regularly. since that she's regained her balance and her strength she's acting normal and walking around the house following her all over the place. I would like to know what I can do to help her stay safe around the hous
Updated On January 2nd, 2020
Pet's info: Cat | Mixed Breed | Female | spayed | 23 years old | 5 lbs
Answered By Dr. Elizabeth 118
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This does not sound normal and I recommend to have her examined today. A blind cat generally does not have trouble walking. Instead they tend to walk slowly and cautiously but they are not unbalanced. A sudden onset of neurological signs is always concerning and could indicate poisoning, a stroke from a blood clot or even potentially infectious diseases which can infect humans like Toxoplasmosis. I recommend to play it safe and have Kiki examined today. Especially with a concern for infectious disease for humans. I hope this helps.
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