i play with a stray cat outside, it really trusts me, but i cant take it to a vet. i named it oreo. the inside of the ear of the cat has something kind of wraped inside of it, it seems really sensitive, and the outside of it is really dirty. i have baught medicen for it but it wont let me give it to her. what do i do?

Updated On January 2nd, 2020

Pet's info: Cat | Burmese | Female | 5 lbs

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Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT

Licensed Veterinary Technician

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Without knowing exactly what is wrong with the cat, it is difficult to provide accurate advice. It may be a severe infection based on your description. The medication you purchased may or may not work depending on the underlying cause. Ideally, Oreo should be seen by a veterinarian to diagnose infection or other conditions. If you can coax her into a carrier, you can take her to the vet.

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