6 days ago I got in a car accident and my dog was in her kennel in the back and she now has a spinal fracture on one vertabrae. I'm trying to get several opinions, I've taken her to the local vet and asked a few other vets what they think. The vet told me that it's going to be a rough recovery and that surgery is her best bet in order to heal and live a happy life. She also said she has a chance at recovery on her own if I keep her still and medicated. Chances of recovery for both options?
Updated On January 4th, 2020
Pet's info: Dog | Bluetick Coonhound | Female | unspayed | 8 months and 5 days old | 41 lbs
Answered By Sara Farmer, DVM 107
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It’s a little difficult to see the fracture in your picture of the x-ray, but it doesn’t look like the spinal canal is severely affected so if Luna doesn’t have neurologic deficits then cage rest alone may be fine. I would definitely recommend at least consulting with a surgeon however - they would be able to give a better idea about the chances of recovery with surgery vs rest.
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