We just adopted a 2 1/2 year old female German shepherd, she is very well behaved but she will randomly have moments where she acts scared and then she pees just a little bit. Most of the time it’s if she hasn’t seen one of us for a while (for over an hour or so), but sometimes it’s completely random like if we ask her if she wants a treat. We can’t figure out why. We’ve only had her for 5 days but I was wondering if this sounds like any common symptoms of anything and what we can do to fix it.

Updated On January 5th, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | German Shepherd | Female | unspayed | 60 lbs

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Answered By Jessica Desrosiers

Veterinary Technician

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As with any symptom like this, and with any new pet, an initial exam with your vet to rule out health issues is a good first step. That said, submissive urination like this is very common in puppies or dogs that are unsure of the situation, and if Layla is still new to the home, this could be the case. It may resolve on its own after some time once she gets used to you and your routines. Maintaining a routine, staying calm, and interacting with Layla on easy to clean surfaces can help during the transition.

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