My yellow lab loves getting in the car for car rides, but after a bit she starts freaking out. Hyperventilating, drooling, trying very forcefully to get into mommy or daddy's lap. 4 regular benadryl doesn't even get her to sleep and I don't want to go up to 5 unless it's ok.
Updated On January 7th, 2020
Pet's info: Dog | Golden Labrador | Female | unspayed
Answered By Daniel Fonza, DVM 188
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Hi there and thank you for using PetCoach! It sounds like Ginger is experiencing anxiety with a bit of nausea in the car. I would recommend using a medication that is geared more towards preventing nausea. Benadryl is a hit or miss and most of the time, I find, does not help with motion sickness. I would have a veterinarian examine Ginger and write a prescription for Cerenia. This is an anti-nausea medication but at higher doses, works well at preventing motion sickness. I hope this helps!
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