We just adopted a stray kitten that was living under neighbors porch. He seems to have a cold. Not sure if male or female not ready for major human contact. What can i do for him

Updated On January 7th, 2020

Pet's info: Cat | Domestic Shorthair | Male

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Answered By Vanessa Yeager DVM MPH


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Hi and thanks for posting. Sneezing, coughing, discharge from the eyes or nose can signal an upper respiratory infection. If you suspect Tiger has an upper respiratory infection he'll need to see his veterinarian very soon. Typically antibiotics are needed to help with the infection. Until then I would make sure he has plenty of access to fresh water and if he is indoors with you, you may consider getting a humidifier to keep in areas where he spends the most time which can help with any congestion he may have.

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