Updated On January 7th, 2020
Pet's info: Dog | Pomeranian | Male | neutered
Answered By Shaneez Wallani, DVM 122
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Silly Mochj! The main concerns in these situations is that sometimes the metals in the coins can absorb into the body and lead to toxicity, and coins can sometimes lead to a blockage of the digestive tract. I recommend that you make an appointment to take Mochj in to see your vet. They may want to take X-rays to see where the coin is, and they will likely recommend that you search for the coin in Mochj's poo for the next few days. They will probably want to do X-rays again in a few days if you do not find it, to see if it is stuck somewhere. If it does get stuck, they may recommend surgery to remove it to help prevent toxicity and blockage of the gastrointestinal tract. See the link below for more information, and I hope everything works out okay for Mochj! https://www.petpoisonhelpline.com/poison/coins/
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