For a few months now my dog, a male cocker spaniel, had had a terrible smell coming from his mouth and won't let me open his mouth. The last time I saw in his mouth, a few hours ago, I saw multiple green/yellow canker sore like sores on his right side and his canine was covered in a yellow white film. He's been drooling thick, foul smelling ropes and I feel two lumps by the back of his jaw. I was just wondering if anyone could help I'm too broke to take him in and just lost on what to do. Thanks
Updated On January 7th, 2020
Pet's info: Dog | Cocker Spaniel | Male | unneutered | 18 lbs
Answered By Lindsey Edwards MVB, BSc, IVCA 76
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There is no alternative at this stage other than a full dental assessment to remove the tartar and infection and relieve pain by extracting the loose and damaged teeth which would then allow the gums to heal. Contact your local humane society for advice on subsidised care if you cannot provide for his care. Toothpaste, rinses and dental chews will not be sufficient at this stage and it is not appropriate to ignore the current pain and infection you describe
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