My 2 year old German Shepherd was hit by a car 13 days ago. X Rays showed no breaks and blood work was normal. He has nerve damage and has lost tail movement and is incontinent. He is eating, drinking and playing with our other dogs normally. How long could it be before we see nerve function if they are only damaged and not severed? Is there a time frame where if we don`t see any improvement we know the function won`t return? He gets around fine no problems walking pretty much his old self.
Updated On January 8th, 2020
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Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS 102
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Wow, I'm so sorry he has hit by a car! How horrible for him and you. Dogs can recover from nerve damage, but it can take months for full function to be restored. I'd give it a couple of months to see if things improve.
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