Mt cat is 10.5. He's recently become very choosy about food and eats very little. He won't eat soft tinned food but prefers our meat (chicken, pork, beef, ham) or will eat a little (about 20 pieces) of Nature's Variety High Meat. He won't touch anything else that I've tried that is supposed to be for cats! We have a 14-year-old Labrador who has arthritis and is on meds who we obviously give lots of attention. Could my cat be positioning himself for this or am I giving a cat too much credence?!!

Updated On January 8th, 2020

Pet's info: Cat | Mixed Breed | Male | neutered | 10 years and 9 months old | 6 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Strydom, DVM


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I think you should have Desi examined by your vet. He may have a dental issue that is causing him to only want to eat certain foods. He may just be holding out for better food so if you keep giving him human food why would he eat cat food? I think it is always best to rule out a medical problem before assuming it is behavioral in origin.

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