Whenever I walk my dog to make her pee, she would either run after dogs or get distracted by sounds of other dogs or pups or would take position but move ahead without peeing.she would pee but not properly n she holds it down even for hours.what I feel n observed is her bladder is not completely emptied.after rains,she comes home back without pee n poop.i would yell on her n even thrash her but of no use.i do this so that no stone occurs.she pees but not completely empty her bladder.plz help.

Updated On January 10th, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed | Female | spayed

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Answered By Dr. Elizabeth


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The first thing you need to stop doing is any yelling, thrashing or negative behavior. This will create a negative association with going outside to go to the bathroom and this will be counter productive and a bad experience for you both. Instead train with a potty cue word. Go to the same place every time. Reward her immediately for any behavior in the right direction. This link may help: https://www.petcoach.co/article/how-to-housetrain-your-dog-or-puppy-using-a-potty-cue/ Be patient. This will take a while. Please feel free to post any additional questions.

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