My dog is sleeping a lot more and eating less. She has had giardia before and was given medicine and cleared from it. could it have come back? she is only 3 years old. We adopted her from a shelter and she was a stray before that.

Updated On January 10th, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed Medium (23 - 60lb) | Female | spayed | 3 years and 1 month old | 40 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Elizabeth


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.Just like people, there are many conditions that can make pets feel sick. This could range from bacterial over growth to intestinal blockage. Also like us, diseases are best addressed early and this may result in a better prognosis. I recommend to have her examined by the veterinarian if she has been lethargic for more than 24 hours. It could be giardia but it's just as likely something else. The doctor will need to learn the underlying cause in order to give appropriate treatment. Bring in a stool sample in case the doctor needs to test it. I hope Mazie starts feeling better quickly! Please feel free to post any additional questions.

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