15 year old mix breed, has had diarrhea with some bloody stool for 2 days, he usually takes gabapentin and galiprant for spinal arthritis. He also has metrodinozole from a previous similar situation. Should he fast for a full day and skip the meds or continue taking the meds while fasting? Not sure if he should fast 24 hr first before taking metrodinizole and if he should skip his pain pills or if he should take them while fasting. Funds are very tight and clinic is far away, help please.
Updated On January 10th, 2020
Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed Medium (23 - 60lb) | Male | neutered | 15 years old | 50 lbs
Answered By Stacey Anstaett, DVM 224
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I would still give him his pills, but give him just enough food to give the pills-- use something bland such as white bread to hide the pills in. I cannot directly tell you to give the metronidazole, as I am not the dr who prescribed it, and a valid "veterinarian-client-patient" relationship is needed in order for me to direct you regarding medications. Having said that, you can call the vet who prescribed it previously and run it by them; I suspect they may suggest you go ahead and start the metronidazole while fasting if there's been some bloody diarrhea. Again, you can give it with a little bland food. After 24 hours, when you start feeding him again, feed a bland diet such as boiled chicken and white rice for a few days. If he's not improving in 2-3 days or if any additional symptoms develop (vomiting, lethargy, etc) please take him to a vet if at all possible. Thank you for asking PetCoach!
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