I stay in a remote area and my kitten is very sick.He cant move he stumbles when tries to walk and hes getting diarrhea

Updated On January 11th, 2020

Pet's info: Cat | Mixed Breed | Male | unneutered

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Answered By Stacey Anstaett, DVM


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Poor Coco. I am so sorry to hear he's sick. It sounds like you are not in a location where you are able to get him to a vet? If it is at all possible to travel to where you can get him evaluated by a veterinarian you need to do so, I am very worried about him. If you absolutely can't get him in to a vet for treatment, keep him in a warm area, try to gently hand feed him small bites of chicken or tuna, and if he isn't drinking at all you can use a dropper to moisten his mouth and encourage him to drink. Please don't forcefeed him or try to force water into his mouth, as this could lead to him aspirating (getting it into his lungs instead of his stomach). Unfortunately I don't have any "home remedies" for you other than providing him nursing care and trying to keep him comfortable, but I am very worried he may be dying. I am so sorry I don't have more to advise you to do at home. Get him to a vet if you can.

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