My cat gave birth to two babies. She is feeding babies and eating and drinking herself. Her belly is still very big and it's been 11 hours since birthing the first two? Could she still have kittens inside?

Updated On January 11th, 2020

Pet's info: Cat | Domestic Shorthair | Female | unspayed

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Answered By Stacey Anstaett, DVM


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It is possible. Sometimes kittens will take long breaks up to 12 hours between kittens without it being problematic. If she starts to seem distressed or painful, take her to the vet for an xray to see if more are there. If she seems to be doing well, and is caring for the kitties she has, and is eating and resting comfortably I don't think you need to be concerned. The uterus remains enlarged even once empty, and it takes time for that to contract back down. Thanks for asking PetCoach!

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