I have a 2 year old lagotto.She has diarrhea:ocasionaly for 6 months and 4 oily yellow stools/day in the last weeks.In the last few weeks,she lost weight from 33lbs to 24lbs.Blood Sample:à jeun glucose of 174 mg/dl and alkaline phosphatase of 587,5 i.u./l. Ecography showed a slight hepatic granulation. Diagnostic:chronic gastritis and enterocolitis. Treatment:recomended food(purina HA),metronidazole(750mg*2/day),silymarin,trimebutinum.Her symptoms persist after a week of treatment.What can I do?
Updated On January 12th, 2020
Pet's info: Dog | Lagotto Romagnolo | Female | unspayed | 2 years and 4 months old | 24 lbs
Answered By Dr. Elizabeth 118
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I recommend to call your veterinarian. When pets don't respond to treatment as expected, it can mean that the real cause of illness has not been identified. The veterinarian may try a different medication or recommend further diagnostics such as a fecal culture, parasite testing or ultrasound. Mia may also need additional testing of the liver such as a bile acids or endocrine testing. I hope this helps and please feel free to post any additional questions.
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