hello mam,i want to ask a question; my 10 month old gsd male puppy's hind legs are in criss-cross position when he walks....a local vet did a physical examination and told me that it isn't hip-dysplasia. it is just a weakness in hind legs. mam pls suggest me what should i do to recover it quickly......
Updated On January 12th, 2020
Pet's info: Dog | German Shepherd | Male | unneutered | 9 months and 30 days old | 60 lbs
Answered By Dr. Elizabeth 118
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Unfortunately, it's hard to know how best to advise you without being able to examine Rocky. Sometimes physical therapy can to strengthen the leg muscles and back. If this is suspected to be congenital, there may not be much of anything you can do. German Shepherds are prone to many orthopedic conditions as a breed. Proper nutrition is also needed to ensure appropriate growth. Rarely, surgery may be an option if it is related to abnormal bone growth. It sounds like Rocky needs a second opinion and radiographs. Hopefully you can get more information. I hope this helps.
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