My dog is 9 n there's no limping but I prefer to pick her up in my lap n then keep her on bed,in car,from bed etc.i pick her up like surgical patients like from extreme back tail side n one hand is below her front n not from between.i do it several times a day.can it lead to her spinal injury?am I hurting her spine?she doesn't want to walk longer distances nowadays as she used to do it earlier.i'm worried that my picking her up has led to some spine injury?she is very brave n has never cried.
Updated On January 13th, 2020
Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed | Female | spayed
Answered By Dr. Elizabeth 118
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As long as you are picking her up correctly (supporting her front and rear end) you should not cause her any injury. It's better that she is not jumping because this will cause more wear and tear to her joints and back. at her age, you may want to speak with her veterinarian about starting a joint supplement. I hope this helps.
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